Keywords and App Descriptions

Discussion in 'App Launch' started by Appvisors Staff, May 8, 2013.

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  1. Appvisors Staff Administrator

    When you release a new mobile app, the apps stores give you a chance to list targeted keywords that most accurately sum up what your app is about, and who it's for. Keywords can be a tricky science, for you have to have the knack of guessing what words your prospective customers are likely to use when they search for new apps. The description that accompanies the app is important, too, for once an end user has found your app, they want to know exactly what value it will add to their lives before they download it. You've only got just so much space to convince them.

    When you've launched a new app, what keywords and phrases have worked best for you? Another important factor to consider is negative keywords—words you want to exclude, so you don't waste the time of people who would clearly not be interested in a given app. Please use this discussion thread to share with your fellow Appvice Community members your thoughts on keyword usage in app listings and descriptions.

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